Expanding community connections to Mediterranean regions through experience, education, and conservation.


Become a Community/Corporate Sponsor

Increase visibility for your business.

Sponsors will be featured in all event advertising and listings, press releases, onsite signage, website, e-newsletters, and communications.   

Contact Development Director Dana Sundblad by email at for more information.

Naming Opportunities

A variety of naming options for sponsorships include Garden sites, legacy structures, buildings, plaques, benches, and new development projects. Pricing for specific naming opportunities on Garden grounds can be provided. 

Please contact:  Dana Sundblad, Development Director, at (805) 541-1400, ext. 303 or by email at:

Individuals, nonprofits, and businesses can adopt an area of the Garden and provide tax-deductible in-kind donations of consultations, services, funds, and/or resources to maintain the area.

Sponsor an Event at the Garden 

From Happy Hours to Free Family Days to Nature Nights there is always something happening at the Garden. Our corporate and community sponsors play an important role in making these events happen.  They also offer a great opportunity to showcase your business to a local audience with on-site displays and features in our newsletter.

Cash and in-kind sponsorships are welcome!

For more information please contact Dana Sundblad at

Corporate Matching Gifts

Many firms will match gifts made by their employees and retirees to charitable organizations like the San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden. A Matching Gift or Employee Volunteer Program is a great way for your company to show the importance of supporting the community. Corporate matching can double, or even triple, contributions made to the Garden. If you do not already have a Matching Gift or Employee Volunteer Program in place, we encourage you to start one today.

Garden Philanthropic Members


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