Expanding community connections to Mediterranean regions through experience, education, and conservation.

Reference Library

The SLOBG Library houses over 1,000 books and journals related to plants and gardens in Mediterranean climates.

Our library specializes in books about the flora of the world’s five Mediterranean climate areas, found in Australia, California, Chile, the Mediterranean Basin, and South Africa–all of which have dry summers and cool, moist winters. We also have a section of books for young children, and references for nature-based and garden education. Many of our books are not available in other libraries within SLO County.

Students, researchers and the general public are welcome to use the materials in the library Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Other times may also be arranged by calling 805.541.1400 ext. 301. In addition, garden members and volunteers may use the library during regular office hours and may check out books and periodicals, borrowing up to 5 items for up to 3 weeks.

For additional information about the library and our services, or if you wish to donate books, please contact us at